Today is our very first picture day. Max missed his last year because he started school so late, so we have never done one before. They said put on your best outfit or something like that, but we just don't have a lot of dressy girl stuff, with the exception of the dress Lauren wore to Greg's wedding (which will be posted about one of these days) which is sleeveless, and with the pixie cut, there was no doing a fancy haircut, so I wasn't sure what I was going to do. However, Lauren got up and had plans. She dressed herself. It definitely wasn't what I had in mind. I spent the next 30 minutes requesting, suggesting, begging, pleading, and bribing Lauren out of her chosen outfit. We finally managed a compromise, a dress that I think looks nice on her, some leggings that actually match, and socks and shoes chosen by Lauren. I don't think that part of her will show so that shouldn't matter. It took another 15 minutes to get her hair brushed and calm down the fuzz in the back. We got there and all the other girls had hair bows and fancy skirts, but let's face it, that is not really Lauren, so it is probably better to just let her personality shine
through. I just didn't want it to shine as much as it would have had I let her go to school in her chosen outfit. In case you can't figure it out, the first outfit pictured is what Lauren chose, the second, my choice. I am not sure I am looking forward to another 15 years of
Annual Update 2105 - All Good
9 years ago
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