Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Green Face, Orange Socks

Our kids do sick pretty well. Max came down with a fever on Friday night, but got up Saturday feeling better and with plenty of energy, so Josh took him to the 4H Fair, where he got his face painted. He asked to be painted like a green goldfish with a black eye. A strange request to me, but then again, I am not 4. He was thrilled with the results.

Two days later, Lauren came down with a fever, and added some vomitting to the mix. Lucky us. While she felt pretty lousy most of the day, she had a sudden burst of energy at one point, and found her orange socks, which she put on herself, and then ran around showing them off. They went beautifully with her outfit. She did this for about 45 minutes and then went back to being miserable. However, she woke up the next morning feeling fine.

Me, on the other hand? I got sick on Wednesday night, was still running a fever by Saturday morning, and am still not fully recovered a week later. Oh to be young again.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Too Much Fun

Diamond was like a puppy on this last trip. She loves it at The Lake, and would probably swim until she sank from exhaustion if we let her. She took to swimming laps around the dock if we were not playing ball with her. She also swam out with the canoe. Cisco joined her on that journey. We had to go back in and put them in the house. By the end of the day, both dogs were exhausted. Diamond was a good girl and slept on her bed, but Cisco kept sneaking up on the couch. However, the last day, when Cisco was crated, guess who I found on the couch? (But no picture of that one.)

He Really is a Water Dog

All it took was Grandma standing in the lake with pieces of steak to get him to swim. Now he will do it on his own, though. He still likes just lying in the sand watching us, though. And stealing Diamond's ball.

Where's Baby?

Lauren loves the water, probably too much as she shows no fear around it. We need to watch her pretty closely. Apparently, we need to watch "Baby" pretty closely too. :)