Friday, May 26, 2006

8 Months Already

Well, I took a whole series of pictures to show that Lauren is pulling up and standing already, and the only one that came out clearly was one where she is gazing into the distance (actually, the bathroom). Oh well. She is 8 months old and she is always on the move. She has even started trying to cruise. She is also babbling all the time. I really love having the time to watch her develop. I really feel like I missed a lot with Max. Posted by Picasa


Lauren and Max have fun together now. Max thinks she is pretty cool except when she has "his" (in other words, any) toys. She laughs whenever he looks at her. Here they are enjoying a gorgeous day. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Things I Never Thought I Would Say of the Day

No, we don't paint our sister!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Running through the Fields

Here are Max, Chance, and Diamond enjoying the last non raining day in ages. The boys love running after Diamond. Diamond loves running. Posted by Picasa

Along for the Ride

Lauren loves hanging out where she can try to get her hands on everything around us. She may look innocent enough in this picture, but she is just planning her next move. "Grab the telephone? A book to eat? How about mommy's hummus? Grandma's glass of red wine (which looks lovely when I spill it all over her shirt). Hmmmm. So many options so little time..." Posted by Picasa

Monday, May 08, 2006


We went to Great Brook State Park on Sunday with some friends. Max and Chance get along great and had a blast running all over the place. At the end of the hike, they sat on a rock and shared some O's. It was nice to see them getting along so well. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Family Garden

Everyone is helping. Posted by Picasa

What is he up to now?

Max first asked me to help him zip up Daddy's biking shirt, which he had gotten himself into, and then he disappeared into the garage. Hmmmm. He isn't doing what I think he is doing, is he? Yes, as expected, when I looked out in the garage, I saw him sitting on top of Josh's mountain bike, balanced precariously. I probably should have taken him right down, but he was too cute so I took some pictures first. Posted by Picasa