Monday, January 14, 2008

Things to Do During a Blizzard

We got another big storm today. It was beautiful snow, the kind that clings to the trees (and makes them fall and take out power lines, but luckily that didnt' happen to us). We spent much of the day indoors, just watching it come down. Usually, Max is dragging me out to play the minute he discovers it is snowing, but not today. He must be getting used to it. Instead, we built a volcano. The kids and I had made playdough and dyed it green, red, brown and blue (Max's idea) for my volcano class at work. Because there was no school today, I didn't need it today, so we used it instead. Max built a really nice volcano, and we had a blast watching it errupt. Then, I finally managed to drag them outdoors. As usually, Max had a blast. The dogs did, too. They are happiest when they are either swimming or playing in the snow. Lauren was the surprise, though. The snow was quite deep and for the first time, she really walked in it, not just on the packed areas. She really seemed to enjoy it. I am sure it helped that there was little wind and it was just shy of freezing, but she played for quite a while (it helped that she kept her gloves on).

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Merry Christmas

What a wonderful Christmas we had this year. Josh and I were sick, and unfortunately managed to get Mom and Rich sick, too, but we still all enjoyed each other's company. Greg brought his girlfriend, Jenni with him. It was nice to have all of us together again. It is fun to see how each year, the children's understanding and ideas about Christmas changes. When Max was two, he wasn't all that interested in any of it, and it was hard to get him to open his gifts. Lauren was like that this year. Last year, Max was excited, but as soon as he opened a gift that interested him, he just wanted to go off and play with it. Uncle Greg is still like this. This year, he was all about the opening, and flew through them so quickly, no matter how we tried to slow him down, that not only did I not manage to write down who gave what to whom for all thank you note gifts, but he was done way before everyone else and proceeded to pout about it. Oh well. Once we finished opening gifts, he was happy.

The time went by too quickly as always and everyone headed home too soon. The kids love having Josh home and his time off was too short for their liking. It was lovely, though. It was such a relaxed holiday.

What a year it has been. I can't believe it is over. Happy New Year everyone.