Sunday, June 24, 2007

Waiting for the Snow?

For some reason, on the first full day of summer, Max decided to dress himself in snowboots, snowpants, ski jacket, and wool hat. He came out of his room and announced that he was going outside to wait for the snow to come. I told him he was welcome to do so, but it was going to be a long wait. Luckily, when it started raining, he came in, changed, and seemed to forget about the whole thing. Strangely enough, the next morning, Lauren insisted on wearing her snowsuit (which is much to small now). She put on a sun hat for seasonal variety, though.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Last summer, we spent a lot of time in Maine visiting my parents. Max couldn't go many places, but that one was relatively safe. We would go out and watch Grampa Richard fly his airplanes. A lot of the guys in his airplane club also race RC cars, and we went out one Sunday to watch them race and Josh and Max were hooked. Josh had owned some electric cars from way back and started teaching Max to drive them. Last weekend, he got to try them out on the track for the first time. He is not much of a driver, but after I tried it out and didn't get much farther than he did, I am not going to put him down. He will probably get the hang of it faster than I will (Josh also bought a couple of gas powered ones for us to drive.)

Look at the concentration on his face. He was working hard to drive that little car.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Max and Lauren get along surprisingly well considering their ages and the amount of time they spend together. Actually, I think it might be the amount of time they have been forced to spend together that is the reason. They do have their issues, and Max is not above pushing, shoving, hitting, kicking, etc to get things from her (sigh) but for the most part, they enjoy each other's company.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Can't Take Your Eyes Off Her for a Minute

I left the room for a minute and this is what I returned to. Oh, and that is my Aloha shirt. She pulled it out of my closet and wanted to wear it. She likes to pick out her own clothes. Usually she picks out something of Max's or mine. Apparently her clothing is boring or something like that.

Comfy New Chair

Josh picked up some new kid's chairs at a garage sale last weekend. Max loves them. Lauren hasn't quite mastered them and keeps tipping hers over, but Max loves them and now turns his stool over to make it into a table and sits in his new chair. He also has pretty much stopped napping, but every once in a while, he gives in to sleep. The other night, he fell asleep waiting for me to finish dinner and slept through until morning.