If only Max had been ready as early and Nemo. lol
Today, both Max and Lauren had their first day of school, Max, kindergarten, and Lauren, preschool. Lauren was really excited, and insisted on picking out her own clothes (though at least she did let me guide her a bit). Max was looking forward to it, but not in a get up early and get yourself dressed and go sit in the car waiting for Mom way. Max's was only a short day to get the kids used to the class, but Lauren's was the full half day. It was a bit crazy for me as I had to drop Max off, drop Lauren off, pick Max up, run an errand, then pick up Lauren. I was exhausted by 11:30. But, they both had nice days.
I tr
ied to get pictures of both of them, but Max wasn't dressed until we were supposed to already be in the car, so none of him before, and when I tried to get some afterwards, he ran from the camera yelling "no pictures!" so I didnt' exactly get a stellar picture. Lauren was more cooperative, but I somehow lost the ones I took outside the school. The most unfortunate thing is that when Max and I picked Lauren up (something that will only happen very rarely if at all), he was so excited to see her and she, him and they ran to each other and gave each other a huge hug, and the camera was in the car. The whole group of parents and teachers awwwed at it. Oh well, I have it in my memory bank. :)
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