We've been building a small compost pile in the back woods for some time now. It's been slow-going as I had only been adding the "greens" kitchen scraps mostly in the form of kitchen scraps. So it's been more like feeding the woodland creatures than it has been like building a compost pile. This summer we started taking it more seriously and I started adding the "browns" as well and the pile of scraps is finally starting to look like real compost.
One of my vacation projects was to build some real compost bins for our slow-cook compost piles. Of course I chose to enlist the help of Max to do some serious building. I dragged my circular saw out to the backyard and sliced up some old pallets I had collected for just this kind of project. Max brought his hammer and the nails, and we pounded together a nice double-wide compost bin with a removable front wall. The next day Lauren and I went to hardware store and picked up some some hook & eye latches to secure the front wall and she helped me screw them in place.Here's a picture of Lauren modeling the finished product. As you can see we have transferred the existing pile into one bin and moved the garden-scraps container into the other. Next spring I'm going to sift out some serious compost for the garden. :-) I'll have to post a picture of the sliding compost sifter I built when the time comes to use it. Until then, the piles have a comfy place to cook!
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Stepping up the compost pile
Posted by
9/09/2008 02:49:00 PM
Apple picking at home
Apple picking is a regular annual event for many New England families. We've taken our kids to Westford's town-owned orchard every year since we moved here. This year, however, we picked apples in our own yard for the first time. There are four young apple trees in our yard that had not been cared for and were not producing any worthwhile fruit. Well, last year I read up on how to properly prune the apple trees and I cut them back by about 30%, though they still need plenty more care. Well, this year we saw a huge difference in the fruit!
Now that the branches have more room and more light, two of the trees started producing real apples. The kids and I went out this weekend with a stepladder and a basket and we harvested what I estimate to be about 50 apples! (We don't know what varieties we have, but all four appear to be red apples, and a friend says one of them looks like the "red delicious" variety.) It was good fun picking the apples, and even better that we harvested from our very own apples trees! Mom helped the kids make some applesauce that afternoon, and I'm sure there will be apple pie, apple crisp, and lots of other apple goodness coming from that harvest. This fall I'll work on recovering the trees a bit more and we'll start planning on what we'll do with next year's harvest!
Posted by
9/09/2008 08:29:00 AM
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
First Day of School! First Day of School!
If only Max had been ready as early and Nemo. lol
Posted by
9/03/2008 03:04:00 PM
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Lauren loves the story "No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" and also loves to jump on the bed. Go figure. I have gotten into the habit of just saying "Monkey, no jumping!" when she does it. Monkey is actually a pretty fitting nickname for her. She is still our climber. Last weekend, we took the kids to the Middlesex County 4H Fair. Max loves the big air bouncy things, so he dragged us over to them. We give the kids the choice of two activities that cost money, and that was the first thing he chose. Lauren wanted a pony ride, which she enjoyed, but when she saw the obstacle course, she wanted to do that, too (which was fine, activity number two). She is still
pretty tiny, and I am not sure if I would have let her go in, but luckily for her, I was off watching an Owl show with Max (the next time you see him, ask him to do his owl calls. He loved that show.) and you know how daddies are. She more than held her own and loved it. A climbing wall and things to slide down... what's not to love!
Posted by
9/02/2008 10:26:00 PM