Max takes being doctor very seriously and Lauren is a very well behaved patient, for the most part, though she does like to do some of the check up herself. It is amazing to see how accurately Max performs a checkup. For that matter, watching Lauren "take a temperature" or listen to us with a stethascope is pretty amazing too. She does it like she knows what she is doing.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Dr. Max
Posted by
4/18/2007 03:24:00 PM
Little Troublemakers
Max and Lauren know how to get into trouble on their own, but they are very good at doing it together, and really enjoy each other's company most of the time, though we do deal with the normal go away, give me that it's mine stuff from Max. Lauren holds her own with him, though. It is fun to watch, even if it isn't fun to clean up after.
I no longer say in a joking voice that Lauren is nothing but trouble, though. Max started saying "We're Troublekids" and doing things that Lauren did like climb on the table or pull the toiletpaper off the roll or knock the laundry on the ground. Luckily for me, as soon as I stopped seeming amused when Lauren did it, Max stopped.
For the most part, though, my little troublemakers make me smile.
Posted by
4/18/2007 03:14:00 PM
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Lauren likes showing Grampa Richard trees. It was one of her first words (thanks to some coaching, I suspect) and she likes to go around the house and point to all the trees in the painting in our house. Grandma and Grampa came for a visit last week to help out when Max was in the hospital, and the weather was lovely, continuing to hint that Spring is coming (as compared to the snow they are predicting for later this week) and Lauren pointed out all the trees in the yard. We have a lot of trees, so this was quite time consuming. :)
Posted by
4/03/2007 04:51:00 PM