Last year, Lauren didn't like winter much at all. She refused to keep her mittens on, so her hands were always cold, she couldn't walk in the snow because she was so tiny, and pretty much, we were stuck inside all winter. This year has been a bit better in that at least she keeps her mittens on for the most part, but has still struggled to walk in the snow, preferring instead to be carried in arms or on my back. However, she discovered the joy of playing in the snow during our last storm, throwing snowballs, goofing off, and having fun, though she did eventually get cold and ask to go in. She still takes her mittens off some of the time.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Future Musicians?
The kids love music, playing it, dancing to it, singing with it. They often fight over the piano, but here is a rare moment where they are sharing and getting along.
Posted by
12/20/2007 12:22:00 PM
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Let it Snow
We have been getting snow this year, which has been a lot of fun for the kids (though not for Josh on Thursday when it took him close to three hours to drive home from work). We have had three decent storms already this year (one that is going on right now). The first was the perfect snowman snow, and Max and I took full advantage. Grandma saw these pictures and sent one of Max's presents along early, which is good, because the next storm brought about a foot of snow, and it is good that his new snowpants don't end mid calf like the ones he wore with the snowman. Today, we went out and did some
Posted by
12/16/2007 02:21:00 PM
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Hunting the Perfect Tree
Why pick out a Christmas tree in the summer or on a warm fall day when you can wait for it to be bitterly cold and windy to do it?
- 4YOs look for different things in a tree than adults.
- While it makes sense to buy mittens for the kids, buying some for the adults isn't a bad plan, either.
- A cup of hot cocoa and a tree wrapper is all it takes to make a 4YO forget about the cold.
- If you are going to put a second layer under the child's clothing, maybe you should think about doing it for yourself as well.
- While decorating a house for Christmas in a methodical way has its pleasure, nothing can beat watching the joy that small children get out of it, even if it means you end up with blinking lights and stockings that are "out of order."
All that being said, Max picked out a great tree and we had a lovely time doing it, though it might have been just a little bit more lovely last weekend when it was in the 40s with no wind.
Posted by
12/01/2007 05:34:00 PM
Friday, November 23, 2007
Make a Wish Trip

Posted by
11/23/2007 10:46:00 PM
A friend sent the kids supercapes.Max and Lauren put them on and Max announced that he was "SuperMax, with the power not to run into things" and that Lauren was "SuperLauren, with the power to take things off!" As Lauren tends to remove every item of clothing, diaper included, that we put on her, we thought her title was pretty accurate. Max's, on the other hand, is a bit suspect.
(We are pretty sure that in the video he is saying "SuperMax, coming to give a hug!")
Posted by
11/23/2007 10:06:00 PM
That's Our Girl
I think I spend my day saying things like "Lauren, get off the table! Lauren, get off the counter! Lauren, get off the chair! Lauren, sit down!" I never expected to have to say "Lauren, get off the TV!" I guess she really wants to be a Super Reader (she is watching SuperWhy, for those who do not recognize Princess Pea).
Posted by
11/23/2007 10:01:00 PM
Spiderman and the Pirate

Pirates Say Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Posted by
11/23/2007 09:32:00 PM
Friday, October 26, 2007
Visiting Grandma & Grampa Mazgelis
We had a chance to go to NH and visit with my folks one day last weekend as well. The kids always have fun with Grandma & Grandpa, and they enjoy seeing the kids when we come to visit. I got a great photo of Lauren at the dinner table, even if she didn't eat any of her dinner. (She liked the cookies though!) Grandpa loves to play with the kids, and we can see by the smile on Max's face that he loves to play with Grandpa. It was a nice visit, and we're glad we got one more in before Grandma & Grandpa head south for the winter.
Posted by
10/26/2007 12:42:00 AM
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Back at Great Brook
We took another walk over at Great Brook State Park last weekend. The dogs had a great time running and swimming. Cisco can really move over the rough terrain without ever slowing down, and Diamond spends most of her time standing in the water wishing someone would throw a stick for her. Max explored waterfalls, climbed rocks, had snacks, and did some dancing. Lauren hung with Mom for the most part, and I made my best effort to capture something wonderful with my camera. I got a couple good shots of Max, and maybe some foliage shots will turn up in another posting.
Posted by
10/25/2007 11:07:00 PM
Picking pumpkins
Last weekend Max and Lauren and their friend (the other) Max went to a Parley Farms to choose pumpkins for Halloween. I hear the kids had a great time there, and as you can see they picked out some real beauties!
Posted by
10/25/2007 08:53:00 PM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
A day at the park
Two weekends ago we visited with Dorothy's folks up in Auburn, ME and spent some time burning off energy at a local playground. Max had a great time climbing on everything, and he and I played a little basketball together too. Lauren did a little bit of climbing but really seemed to enjoy the slides the most. I thought the picture of her hair sticking up from all the static electricity was pretty funny too.
Posted by
10/24/2007 08:29:00 PM
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Things I Learned Today
- You need a lot more wind to fly a kite than I realized.
- Gusty wind is really bad for kite flying.
- A kite flying trip where the kite only gets off the ground every once in a while is still considered really cool if you are 4 years old.
- 2 year olds would rather chase and tackle the kite than try to fly it.
- 4 year olds think that grabbing the tail of a kite and pulling it to the ground is almost as cool as flying it.
- Dogs and kite flying can mix, as long as the dog is Diamond.
- I shouldn't try to run the length of a football field with Lauren on my back.
- Kids love to watch their mom run the length of a football field (no Lauren) with a kite flying behind her.
- I am out of shape.
- Don't let your kids play in the paint on the soccer field without making sure it is dry. Definitely don't allow headstands.
Posted by
10/09/2007 09:09:00 PM
Saturday, October 06, 2007
This weekend we took the kids to their first renaissance faire! Dorothy and I have been to a number of faires in California and one in New York, but this was our first time at King Richard's Faire in Carver Massachusetts. Max and Lauren had a hard time focusing on any one thing but they still had a great time with what they did see. We got to see a wild animal show and the first jousting tournament of the day, as well as go on a self-powered ship ride a giant maze with a slide. (What else could a child as for?)
Dorothy and I both went in full garb again this year. We recently bought a pirate costume for Lauren for Halloween, which worked out wonderfully for her at the faire. My goodness she looked adorable! Max had some baggy pants and a pirate belt with leather pouches hanging from it just like his daddy. (I will have to make him a nice shirt for faire before next year.) Unfortunately I didn't get many good photos of the kids in the faire itself, but they really hammed it up on the stage outside the front gate on the way out.
Posted by
10/06/2007 06:20:00 PM
Friday, October 05, 2007
These charactures were done back in December of last year but never got posted to the family blog. The children's hospital put on a Christmas party for all the "regulars" and the artists were on hand as part of the event. At the time Max was really immunosurppessed and couldn't much leave the house, so his hair really did look that long for lack of a good, or at least recent, hair cutting. It's kind of appropriate though since he did look like one of the young Beatles.
Posted by
10/05/2007 10:36:00 PM
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Apple picking
This Sunday we brought the kids apple picking here in Westford. They each had fun carrying the bags and filling them them with apples. Max did a lot of picking, usually with a little guidance to what trees looked better than others. Even lauren did some picking, often when riding in the carrier since it was easier for her to each the branches then. We took two hay-rides behind the tractor and did plenty of running around.
Posted by
10/02/2007 09:52:00 PM
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Lauren's Birthday Party
Well, it was a small one, but Lauren had her first birthday party today. We had a few people over, including Uncle Peter, Aunt Tracey, and Lauren's cousins, and Grandma and Grampa Mazgelis. Lauren enjoyed everything about the day, especially the cake, which Max
helped decorate.
Posted by
9/29/2007 09:11:00 PM
Lauren's 2nd birthday
On Lauren's birthday we had a little family celebration with cupcakes and a couple presents. (We would have the "birthday party" that following weekend.) Big brother Max helped Lauren open the paper and untie the bow on the big book she got. He also helped her "read" it the first couple times right there at the table. The book, BTW, became an instant favorite for Lauren.
Posted by
9/29/2007 09:03:00 PM
Thursday, September 27, 2007
The apple tent
This year we attended the Common Grounds Fair put on by the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association. In the kid's area there was an apple tent with all kinds of fun things to do. They had taste tests (Lauren's favorite), science experiments, and old-fashioned food-making demonstrations. Lauren ate and ran around; her two favorite things to do. Max played with the balance-beam scales that were laid out to weigh the kid's favorite apples in terms of fava beans. (His apple weighed the same as 37 fava beans, and its circumference was about 11 fava in length.) (OK, I did the science, Max just played with the scale.) They also had fun with the apple press making apple cider, though it looks like Mom did most of the work.
Posted by
9/27/2007 10:27:00 PM