So much has happened and I haven't posted in ages so I am just going to post a few pictures of our growing like weeds children. Max is 6.5 now and enjoying school very much. He has some close friends, is Lego and Star War obsessed and adores his baby brother. He learned to ski this winter and seemed to really enjoy it. I hope that I will get to ski with him next winter.
Lauren is almost 4 1/2 now. She suddenly looks like a girl instead of a toddler. She has gotten taller. Her speech is still difficult to understand, but she had her adenoids and tonsils out last month and hopefully that will help things. If nothing else, she can breathe through her nose for probably the first time in her life.

James just turned one and continues to bring me so much joy. He is a funny little guy and into everything. He isn't walking, but crawls faster than you would think possible, usually laughing hysterical as he runs away from you. He is great at going up and down stairs and climbs as much as his sister did at this age. God help me. I am loving every minute with him.