Every now and again I see photos like this one and I think about what a proud and imaginative builder Max is. He's always creating something out of something, whether he's building with his growing collection of Lego things or just taping together pieces of cardboard from the recycling bin. He hopes one day to be featured in the Lego Club magazine's "Cool Creations" column. (Though I'm a bit perturbed at Lego at the moment for wasting no time in sending us catalogs we but still haven't received his Club magazines.) He's made airplanes from milk cartons, droids from old buckets, and helicopters from pieces of scrap wood. Lauren too likes to build things like just like her big brother, and I'm sure in a few years she'll be putting together some pretty cool creations as well. Occasionally we see her going around wearing one of my big leather tool belts with every toy she can fit crammed into the various pouches. Needless to say they both love to help Daddy in the workshop, and I try not to discourage it too often. Sometimes we even build things things together just so they can learn how to use the different tools properly. Building with the Lego's is a bit less stressful for Daddy though, so it's nice when we end up sitting around Max's Lego table putting things together. As you can see in the photo here, he's very proud of his creations. And we're very proud of him.