I just wanted to do a short post anouncing the arrival of James Philip Mazgelis, Feb 5, 2009 at 10:35PM. He was 7lbs 14oz at birth, and 21.5 inches long (the pediatrician kept saying he was a tall one), with the trademark Mazgelis full head of dark hair. He has a lovely personality (well, except between 2:30-4AM when not much seems to please him) and we adore him. Max is smitten by him, and Lauren is dealing much better than anticipated, giving him hugs and kisses (well monitored), bringing him important items for a child under a week old like dolls, jars of jelly, and shoes, and fussing over him if he cries. She has been more prone to crying spells this week, and alternates between tellin
g us she
is "a big boy" (I know she knows she is a girl, but I guess she is trying to be like Max) and "a little baby," but she hasn't spent much time being upset over the time James is spending with mommy, which is surprising. Diamond seems to have figured out that at this stage, they don't play ball and has just basically ignored him, and Cisco seems to think he is the most intriguing thing ever. Needless to say, he is spending a lot of time safely worn in a carrier. :)

I can't believe that just a few weeks ago, I was still in shock at the idea of having this little guy. It feels like he completely belongs here.