I sometimes don't give Josh enough credit for all he does with the kids, so I want to call him out for being such a wonderful father. He has been involved with his kids since Max was born, and they adore him. He takes so much of the burden off of me sometimes, doing stuff with them on the weekends, doing bathtime, and doing half or all of bedtime. They are thrilled when he comes home at the end of the day, wanting to play with him or sit on his lap, and even if he is exhausted, he will usually do stuff with them. I think this picture sums it up so well. He is wearing James, who snuggled in and went to sleep as soon as he put him on, and trying to eat dinner with a very happy Lauren on his lap, all while wearing a hat that Lauren picked out for him. Happy kids, and one very amused mom.
Annual Update 2105 - All Good
9 years ago