Friday, March 20, 2009


Originally uploaded by skilovr

Max wanted to snuggle with James tonight as he waited for Daddy to come read him a book. They fell asleep together waiting.

Max has been a very sweet big brother through all this. Both kids really like the baby for that matter. Lauren is always trying to calm James down when he is crying, though from what I can see her approach may be less than effective.

Anyway, this was one of those sweet moments and I thought I would share it here.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Not our baby girl anymore

Not our baby girl anymore
Originally uploaded by Some lucky guy

I remember there being a photo of our oldest boy that when I saw it I realized that our todler had become an official little boy. I had a similar reaction when I saw this photo of our little girl. For the past 3+ years she has been our baby girl, but I knew when I saw this photo that those days are now past.