Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Cisco, our new Golden Retriever puppy, born on 4/26/06. He came to us on July 3rd and is fitting nicely into our household, though he hasn't figured out what toys are dog toys and what are baby toys. But that is okay, because Lauren is having the same confusion. We are really enjoying him. Diamond, on the other hand, is choosing to ignore him. We are sure that she will warm up to him with time, though. In the mean time, we are giving her a lot of extra love to try to make sure she realizes she is still top dog. Posted by Picasa


Lauren stands pretty well these days. She can also wave and clap. Posted by Picasa


Max on a jetski, bikini clad girl on the back. I though it would be years before we saw that. Posted by Picasa

Loving Those Veggies

Well, Lauren isn't really supposed to be getting solids yet (per the Peds GI), but you try telling her that. We finally gave in on the trip and let her try things. Corn and peas were both a hit, along with carrots, chicken, and chocolate bananas, which they had every morning. Still, she was known to Philippe, head of the staff at the resort, as "The Girl Who Eats Cheerios All the Time." Posted by Picasa

Swimming with Uncle Greg

Uncle Greg decided to join us in the Bahamas at kind of the last minute. We were so glad that he did. Max, especially, loved having him there, and wanted to play in the water with him as often as possible. Lauren really got to know her Uncle on the trip, too, and lit up when he entered the room. Posted by Picasa

Ready for Dinner, Sort of.

See the next post for an explaination of why Max wore goggles to dinner. :) Posted by Picasa

Daddy's Goggles

Max became obsessed with goggles when we were in the Bahamas. Daddy had a pair, as did Grandma, Grampa Richard, and Uncle Greg (poor Mommy doesn't have any). After insisting on wearing Daddy's, Daddy took him to the gift shop and bought him a pair of his own. Posted by Picasa

Mobility Rules!

I put Lauren down to play on the sand while I took some pictures of Josh and Max playing in the water and she started crawling along the beach. She eventually crawled down to the water and was very surprised when a wave came up and got her wet. Posted by Picasa

Columbus Isle, Bahamas

We took a trip to the island of San Salvador in the Bahamas and stayed a the Club Med resort called Columbus Isle. It was a beautiful place. My mother, stepfather, and brother were all there as well. The kids loved swimming in both the pool and the ocean, Josh did a ton of SCUBA and snorkling, and I got to do some sailing and even some waterskiing. We loved it and hope to go again some day. Posted by Picasa